Clinical trials are research studies that test the effectiveness of new medications, vaccines, approaches to surgery or radiation therapy, or combinations of treatments (National Cancer Institute). Cancer clinical trials are important because they provide patients with access to new therapies that have shown promise in initial lab testing, and because they help researchers develop treatments that will help countless cancer patients in the future if they are found to be successful.

Talk to your doctor about your options with clinical trials. The websites on this page can help you find cancer clinical trials in Iowa that may be right for your cancer type and site.

Wondering if you or a loved one are eligible for a clinical trial? CareBox has a useful tool for checking eligibility requirements.

Learn More About Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials: What You Need to Know (American Cancer Society)

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Representation of marginalized groups in cancer research is a crucial piece for advancing health equity in cancer control. Watch this webinar recording to learn more.

Watch this Iowa Cancer Consortium webinar from April 2022 to learn more about cancer clinical trials. This webinar is geared towards cancer survivors, their caregivers, and the general public.

Clinical Trials 101 Blog Post (2024)

Read this blog post to learn about starting a cancer clinical trials program at a rural Iowa hospital.