Cancer is a complex and costly disease, and addressing it is difficult to do alone. We help Iowans develop partnerships, find funding and build skills and knowledge to reduce the burden of cancer…together.
To advance cancer prevention and control in Iowa through advocacy, equity, and collaboration.
An Iowa where cancer is not a burden.
Inclusion Statement
At the heart of the Iowa Cancer Consortium is a commitment to inclusion and respect for all individuals. Our approach is one of openness and shared humanity. We strive to create a space where diverse voices, bodies, and brains are welcomed and valued. We ensure every person’s unique story and connection to cancer are met with unwavering support. Together, we are building a stronger network that better reflects and includes all of Iowa’s communities.
About The Iowa Cancer Consortium
The Iowa Cancer Consortium is Iowa’s statewide comprehensive cancer coalition. As a leader in cancer control, the Iowa Cancer Consortium offers the state’s cancer stakeholders access to resources, expertise, and non-competitive collaboration across traditional boundaries for a bigger impact in cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and quality of life.
All Iowans have a unique role in reducing the state’s cancer burden. Together with its partners, the Iowa Cancer Consortium maintains the Iowa Cancer Plan, serving as a roadmap for comprehensive cancer control efforts in Iowa for the next five years. It is meant to help provide direction and guide all Iowans involved in cancer to work together towards accomplishing similar goals. Additionally, the Iowa Cancer Consortium’s Board of Directors solicit project proposals in support of the Iowa Cancer Plan on an annual basis – funding collaborative projects that address identified gaps in Iowa’s cancer control and prevention efforts.
Join Our Mailing ListWhat Does the Iowa Cancer Consortium Do?
- Creates and grows partnerships, enhancing partners’ ability to reduce the burden of cancer in Iowa.
- Provides a neutral setting for agencies competing for the same funding and patient bases to work together to advance common cancer control issues.
- Leverages state funds to the fullest extent by using the expertise of volunteers and members.
- Provides technical assistance and capacity building for cancer control.
- Funds a variety of community cancer control initiatives through a competitive grants process.
- Provides free or reduced-cost cancer control materials and trainings within Iowa.
- Hosts a space for Iowa’s only cancer control conference, the Iowa Cancer Summit.
Our Personality
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is empowering. We connect stakeholders with tools, resources, knowledge and partnerships to help them succeed in their cancer control work.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is credible. We recognize that advances in cancer prevention, screening, treatment and quality of life are made through scientific research. We connect our partners with reliable sources of information to help them succeed. We help the public find accurate cancer information.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is open and engaging. We are approachable and seek partners with diverse ideas and talents. There is a role at the Iowa Cancer Consortium for every Iowan.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is passionate. We are personally and professionally driven to make cancer less of a burden on our families, friends, neighbors, coworkers and all Iowans.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is compassionate. We recognize that every person experiences cancer differently and has a unique story to tell. We believe every cancer story has value.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is innovative. We think creatively to solve problems. We embrace new technologies and new ideas, and we help our partners do the same.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is professional. We take our work seriously and acknowledge the value of partners’ contributions. We seek input from a variety of stakeholders, and are balanced in our decisions and actions. We are competent and capable and understand the complexities of cancer and cancer issues.
- The Iowa Cancer Consortium is equitable. We believe that access to cancer services and outcomes should not depend on race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other classification.
We are eager to connect you with information about resources and contacts appropriate to your needs. Drop us a line and we will be in contact shortly.